Environmental Policy

ASHM Conference & Events Division implements a waste-reduction policy that addresses Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Our aim is to research and prioritise purchasing items and equipment that support the use of recycled materials or can be recycled after use.

Delegate Satchels: We no longer offer delegate satchels for in-house conferences. All sponsors and funders are promoted electronically and support our decision to reduce hardcopy paper items, therefore the delegate satchel was no longer required and in return means less items contributing to landfill.

Lanyards: We use eco-friendly bamboo fibre lanyards for all ASHM run conferences.

Name badges: We provide recyclable name badges without a plastic pouch

Conference Handbook: Our conference handbook has reduced in size to only include the essential information.  Our aim in the next few years is to move towards digital communications only and to no longer have a need for the conference handbook. Our conference app already captures all of the content that is included in the handbook and in addition provides delegates the functionality to connect with each other, participate in live polls and conduct session Q&A.

Catering: We monitor final delegate numbers for an accurate forecast of catering requirements in order to avoid waste

Travel: There are lots of options out there for delegates travelling interstate or internationally to attend our conferences who want to offset CO2. Most airline companies offer this as part of their booking process:

Jetstar: Fly Carbon Neutral Program
Qantas: Fly Carbon Neutral Program
Virgin Airlines: Carbon Offset Program

Other organisations that allow you to offset your CO2:


Committee Meetings and Site Visits: We endeavour to minimise travel for planning the conferences through the use of teleconferences meetings or skype for business. This removes the need to organise face to-face meetings and to only hold meetings when necessary.

We acknowledge that the conference is being held the traditional lands of the Kaurna people. We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' continuing connection to land, water, and community and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. ASHM acknowledges Sovereignty in this country has never been ceded. It always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.